About Our TRUTH CHURCH Family

[trx_services style=”services-5″ type=”images” image_align=”left” slider=”yes” controls=”pagination” slides_space=”40″ custom=”yes” columns=”2″][trx_services_item title=”Our Mission” image=”3503″ link=”/about/” readmore=”Learn more”]

“…is to preach the TRUTH relentlessly and without apology!”

[/trx_services_item][trx_services_item title=”We Believe” image=”3505″ link=”/statement-of-faith” readmore=”Learn more”]

…that the Bible is the inerrant Word of God.

“All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness…” 2 Tim 3:16

[/trx_services_item][trx_services_item title=”Who We Are” image=”3504″ link=”/who-we-are/” readmore=”Learn more”]

TRUTH CHURCH Calvary is an affiliate of Calvary Chapel founded by Pastor Chuck Smith.

[trx_columns margins=”” top=”huge” bottom=”large”][trx_column_item][trx_title top=”null” bottom=”null” left=”null” right=”null”]“Run the race,

stay the course

& Finish STRONG!!!”[/trx_title]

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Sam Park

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[trx_section height=”500px”][trx_title type=”3″ color=”#ffffff”]10am Sundays at the Denver Seminary[/trx_title]

9:30am, meeting at THE CHAPEL at Denver Seminary located on Santa Fe Dr, just south of the beautiful Hudson Gardens.

6399 S Santa Fe Dr
Littleton, CO 80120

[trx_button style=”border” color_style=”4″ size=”large” link=”https://www.truthchurchcalvary.org/location” scheme=”white”]MAP[/trx_button][/trx_section]
[trx_section height=”500px”][trx_title type=”3″ color=”#ffffff”]”The UnderGround” Wednesday Evening Midweek Service – Meeting at the Knight’s Home. Call or email for location.[/trx_title]

This is our FAVORITE night of the week! Worship, prayer and a devotion from the Psalms! PLUS, we have TONS of food and amazing fellowship afterwards!

So plan to join us and be blessed!

[trx_button style=”border” color_style=”4″ size=”large” link=”https://www.truthchurchcalvary.org/contact/” scheme=”white”]EMAIL FOR LOCATION[/trx_button][/trx_section]
[trx_section height=”500px”][trx_title type=”3″ color=”#ffffff”]Children’s Ministry[/trx_title]

We’ve put a major priority in raising up the next generation. That’s why we’re making such a fuss about our TRUTH CHURCH Children’s Ministry & Youth Ministries! We’re committed to giving them sound doctrine by not only teaching them the truth of God’s Word in a fun and applicable way but more importantly by modeling it through men & women leaders who are passionate about Christ, God’s Word and His kids! 

[trx_button style=”border” color_style=”4″ size=”large” link=”https://www.truthchurchcalvary.org/children-and-youth/” scheme=”white”]READ MORE[/trx_button][/trx_section]
[trx_team scheme=”original” align=”center” title=”Our Pastor” subtitle=”Meet our Team” description=”We are all servants of Jesus Christ” cat=”186″ order=”desc” link_caption=”none” animation=”fadeInDownBig”][/trx_team]
[trx_team scheme=”original” align=”center” title=”Board of Elders” description=”Through prayer we serve our Lord Jesus Christ” cat=”194″ order=”desc” link_caption=”none” animation=”fadeInDownBig”][/trx_team]

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